Nothing Better Than Standard Poodles
The Best Family Dogs raised by the best family!
We do ENS and ESI! 

This is just a start, there is so much more I want to add in the future:

When should you start training?
On the car ride home! Never let your puppy do things that you won’t want them to do as a big dog, be firm but gentle. If you don’t want them jumping up on you or the kids, don’t let them jump up when they are little, little children will need help learning how to interact so that they are not treated as just one of the puppies. In this aspect training begins long before you get the puppy. Anyone in the puppy's life needs to know your expectations. For example. if you don't want the dogs on the furniture, you probably shouldn't allow people to hold the puppy on their laps on the couch. Consistency is very important to help the puppy understand what you want. 

Before your puppy is old enough to go to puppy classes you can teach them many things, Most of the puppies in my home have already learned to sit and lay down before they are 7 weeks old. 

      In my opinion the most important tricks are Sit, down, stay, Out of the kitchen ( I don’t like it when they beg while I am cooking or we are eating), heel and leave it (food, toys, cats, people, etc)
     Teach them anything, and everything! They are never too young, or to old, to learn something new! They are smart and they can learn quickly, Be consistent and quickly give treats while training. Some of our dogs’ tricks that are fun are play dead, spin (Wind up is a clockwise spin and unwind is a counterclockwise spin) speak (loud and soft) and Sick 'em, (which means Show your teeth) and sneeze.
       Poodles are athletic and love agility, our summertime puppies get to play and some even learn to use the teeter totter before leaving, you don’t have to have fancy equipment, make your own course! you don't want them to be doing too much for their joints and health. Keep the jumps low. 

In my experience it is easiest to begin training your puppy with the crate. The Crate, or kennel, can be hard plastic or metal. The puppy should have plenty of room to sit, lay down and stand in the crate but you don’t want it so big that they feel like there is enough room to potty and have a cozy bed. It’s ok to buy the bigger crate and divide it so that they only have access to a bed area. The kennel should be a safe place where they can rest, you can start this by giving them a treat or chew toy and just shutting them in for a minute, increasing the time gradually. If the puppy goes into the kennel by themselves and wants to nap, praise them, and let them, just remember to take them outside as soon as they wake up.

     Consistency is key! Before you get your puppy, decide where you want them to go potty and take them there every time. Ask what kind of litter/surface they are used to going on so its comfortable for them. 

Potty training can be one of the most frustrating parts of having a new puppy, we have done our best to get them off to a good start but remember, they are babies. Be patient and try these tricks to help.

          Take them out frequently, we use a dog door and they are used to being able to go outside as they please.

          Be Consistent: When you take them out to go, take them to the same spot in the yard, and use the same command (We say “Go Potty” and you will love this later in life when you are on car trips)
          Praise them when they go, “Good Girl go potty” you can give a treat too!
Most of the time they are sleeping through the night by the time they leave our house but sometimes when they wake up at night they do need to go out, if they are constantly waking up at the same time, listen to the crying (it’s hard!) for a for more minutes each night and soon they will be back to sleeping through the night.

Puppy classes are a good way for you and your puppy to be on the same page, working towards a common goal.
A great place for socialization- your puppy will be a nicer adult the more they are socialized through their life.

If you have children ages 8-18 join your local 4H! I cannot say enough good about 4H as the goal is to help your child learn how to care for and train your dog, You can find it by calling your county extension office. My children have excelled with their dogs and it is great.

Training Your New Poodle Puppy